Teacher Professional Development

School Fab Lab 2019-2020 Student Program

School Fab Lab’s 2019-2020 student program is now available for participating schools

We are excited to announce that the program is available online and has been updated based on your feedback. We continuously work to keep the program updated as technology advances and new learning opportunities become available.

Our program is now aligned with (NGSS) Next Generation Science Standards. You can find the NGSS related information at the bottom of each workshop on the School Fab Lab online platform.

Here is an example
School Fab Lab Science Standards

Updated School Fab Lab google drive folder structure. Now you can find the google slide workshop in each related station folder.

School Fab Lab LMS Folders

Updated electronics workshop for Introduction to Paper Circuit.

Updated the Arduino programming as part of teaching the electronic workshops.

Electronic Circuit Arduino

Download our Laser catalog for coasters.


Laser Cutter Designs

School Fab Lab Educator app just launched on the Apple Store for enhancing our Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality (XR) stations.

You can find our School Fab Lab AI app on the Google app market for teaching AI to students. Compare google MLK with Watson IBM image recognition to help understand the AI biases.


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